OMG Moment!

3 min readJun 25, 2020

I had a surreal moment this week. One of the Instagram accounts I follow and am a mega fan of reached out to me. They are interested in featuring one of my posts on their Instagram and Facebook feed!! If it is posted, my MeghanandMe post will be seen by over 234,000 people! I am crossing my fingers, but just receiving this DM and email made me so excited!! I am so happy that people are seeing my work and recognizing my voice. I know this sounds cheesy, but sometimes if you put yourself out there, you never know who is going to see it.

Inspiration: Meghan Markle

Before moving to Las Vegas, I lived in southern California for my entire life. In my role in higher education, I had the privilege of visiting social enterprises in the Los Angeles area. A social enterprise is defined by the Social Enterprise Alliance as an “organization that addresses a basic unmet need or solve a social or environmental problem through a market driven approach.” One of the organizations I visited was Homeboy Industries. Homeboy Industries provides training, hope, and support to previously incarcerated men and women allowing them to become contributing members of society. If you are ever in Los Angeles, you have to visit Homegirl Café. I was so thrilled to read that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry recently volunteered at Homeboy Industries’ Feed Hope Project, which has been serving free meals to seniors and youth who face food insecurity because of the pandemic. I truly admire how Meghan and Harry continue to help and volunteer during the pandemic and are examples of how we can help others during this time. To read more about their visit click here

Update: Elaine Welteroth More than Enough

I finally finished Elaine Welteroth’s Book More than Enough and I loved it. It encourages women to find their voice and candidly discusses topic like biracial identity, love and hardships, self-worth, and the need to believe in yourself. Elaine was also the former editor of Teen Vogue, which is now only an online publication. I recently added myself to their email list and I was amazed at how Elaine’s vision for the publication is still alive today. They discuss topics like race, sexually orientation, and politics. Though it is geared for teens, I highly recommend subscribing.

New Book: Body Love Everyday Kelly LeVeque

I hate to admit this, but I have a sweet tooth and love bread. But, since I have a family history of diabetes and high cholesterol so I have to change my diet immediately or I could become a diabetic in the future. My change of diet journey is starting with reducing my consumption of sugar and bread, but I also need to educate myself on what I can and should eat. I am starting with reading the book Body Love Everyday by Kelly LeVeque. I was introduced to Kelly through hearing about her Fab 4 smoothies via Rachel Hollis. I like Kelly’s approach to food because she explains how food impacts your body and provides recipes that are easy to make. I am not going to lie and say this is going to be easy or that the food I am going to eat will be delicious, but I don’t want to take medicine for something that be changed from what I consume. I will keep you posted on my health journey.

I will let you know next week if MeghanandMe is featured on the Instagram feed on the company I am a mega fan of! Stay safe and healthy!






I created this weekly blog to highlight the achievements and passions of biracial women.